Sunday, October 31, 2010

November Newsletter

October was an exciting month for students. They enjoyed bowling, attending Family Fun Night, and preparing for and celebrating Thanksgiving and Halloween! A big thank you goes out to all the parents who helped to supervise at the bowling alley and assist with the Halloween party! I appreciate your help so very much!

With the colder weather upon us, it is important that the children are dressed warmly for outdoor play. Please be sure to send your child to school with ski pants, mitts, and a hat, as well as a jacket. Even in colder weather, children still go outside to play for short and long recesses. Please mark all outdoor clothing (especially ski pants and mittens) with names. At school, the children are responsible for taking care of and hanging up their clothing. I am teaching the children to stuff their hats and mittens into the sleeve of their jacket. This is a good skill to practice at home too (providing things are dry!).

November’s topics will be Remembrance Day and Winter Fun. Using the Animated Alphabet program, we will learn about the letters Xx, Aa, Dd, Tt, Ss, and Rr. These letters will be combined with previous ones to create the words ox, ax, map, top, pot, stop, rat, and drum. The children will draw pictures of each of these words and use their knowledge of letters and sounds to "read" them. We will also post these words up on our classroom Word Wall and have opportunities to practice recognizing and reading them! We will finish up our study of Patterning this month.

Report cards will go out on Thursday, November 18th. Parent-Teacher Interviews will take place the following Monday, November 22nd between 3:45 pm and 7:00 pm, and Tuesday, November 23rd between 3:45pm and 7:00pm. I will work hard to keep each interview 15 minutes long. I will need to stick to this schedule closely, as I have a new family scheduled every 15 minutes, and some families will need to get to another interview within the school at a particular time. A note is coming home with your child for you to identify your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice for times. I’ll try to pick your first … the sooner the form comes back to me, the better your chances of getting your first pick!!!! If you do not get a note sent home to you, and you would like a chance to meet, please feel free to email me, and we can set something up.

* There is no school on Thursday, November 11 and Friday, November 12 due to the Remembrance Day Holiday.
Also, there is also no school on Friday, November 26th due to a Teacher Professional Development Day.

* Our first classroom party has come and gone and the children appeared to have a great time! If you have not yet had an opportunity to send your $10.00 to school for party lunches, it is not too late to do so. We still have 2 more classroom parties to go. The money can be sent anytime now and the parents I‘ve spoken to seem to prefer this than make and bring food (which often works out to be more that $10.00 by the time your done)! Thanks so much!!

If you have any questions, feel welcome to contact me! See you on interview day!