Sunday, February 28, 2010

March Newsletter

The month of March is now upon us and we are looking forward to warmer days. During the month of March we will be participating in a number of activities, finger plays, and crafts to prepare for and celebrate St. Patrick's Day and Easter. The children are encouraged to wear green to school on Wednesday, March 17th!

We will wrap up our topic of "Healthy Habits" this month and shift our discussions to the season of Spring. We will study the letters Bb, Cc, and Ll. We will also continue to review all other letters studied so far in preparation for report card evaluation.

We will begin a new unit in math this month entitled, "Exploring Geometry and Measurement". A parent information sheet is attached to the hard copy of this newsletter along with some suggestions to reinforce these concepts at home. In addition to this, please practise counting to 50 at home with your child. If your child can do this well, count higher! We like children to be able to count to 100 by the end of Kindergarten. If this is easy for your child, try having him/her count backwards. This is a bit more challenging!

A number of children are still trying to remember their telephone number and birth date. If your child has not yet brought home his/her certificate, please spend an extra few minutes each day going over this information with your child. It is so very important that each child knows these facts, and it is part of my Term 2 report card evaluation.

Early dismissal this month is on Thursday, March 11th at 12:10, Day 5. There is no school on Friday, March 19th, and our second report card will go out to families one week later on Friday, March 26th. As well, the Scholastic Book Fair will be visiting our school on March 22nd and 23rd. A letter will be sent home to each family informing you of what day and time your child's class will be visiting the Book Fair. Look for that within the next week or so!

Be sure to check out some of this month's new links to games and activities on this blog. Each of theses activities support some of what we are learning and playing here at school! Have fun!

Have a great month! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Lippai